Blue Neon

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Blue Neon line

Welcome to FireDowgg's Home Page!

Where Classic Chevy's are more then just a car, they're a way of life.

'56 Chevy 210 Station Wagon when I first got it.

A 1956 Chevy 210 Station Wagon Click photo to enlarge.

Hello and welcome to my Home Page. This page was developed to share my interest of Classic Chevy's as well as newer Chevrolets with others, sort of like a show and tell. I've been to several car shows through out the World and have plastered most of the photos from the shows in the "What's New" page. In the "Links Page" I have compiled a list of resources that I have found to be useful in my projects.

So please enjoy,

Happy Surfing!

Blue Neon line

70 Monte Carlo in Cambridge, England 1996.

Click photo to enlarge.

My old 1970 Chevy Monte Carlo Chauffeuring Darren, (on right), to his Wedding in England.

55 & 56 on the way back from Houston

This is the My '55 Belair being towed by My '56 210 that I just sold, back to Colorado Springs from Houston.

With My "70 Monte long gone I bought the   '53 Chevy 4100 Stake bed Truck, (shown below). It ran great with the original 235 strait 6 still in it.  I removed the Stake bed and had been able to fabricate a '97GMC Dully Box on the Back. It is the ultimate truck to put the old sticker "Fear This!" in the back window! As I was waiting to put the  Light red Metallic pearl paint on, one of my neighbors convinced me that I had to many projects, and he would make me proud if I sold it to him. After much thought, I gave in. It's still in the neighborhood, so I can watch it's progress. Oh yes and I finely made it down to Houston to pick up my '55 Belair which had been in storage for about 10 years. the trip took My Dad and I 18 hours of driving, ( not including the running out of Gas at 2:30am South of Fort Worth in the middle of KNOW WHERE!) Funny how it seems like yesterday I was stripping the paint on it with my good friend Mike R.?.? Remember that Mike?

Anyway, I've added a special Page above as a Sort of tribute to the Memory of my brother Jason, who passed away at the extremely young age of 23. His life had only just begun, and his intrest in Classic Chevy's was as great as mine. So for all that come here, Please have a look. It would mean allot to me and my Family. I had a Guest Book set up, but if I didn't look at it every 10 days they would cancel it, so I got rid of it all together! I will be looking for a new one that I don't have to mess with every week, as my computer is to slow. So if the new one is  not there when you look please come back and sign it later. Thanks. FireDowgg

'53 Chevy 4100 truck with stake bed on back.                   '53 with '97 Dully Box on back.

              '53 Truck Before, with flatbed,,,               '53 Truck after, with new bed...(Before Paint still)