Aussie Locost Build Page  

The worlds longest Locost build is taking place right here in Western Australia!

February 2005 - working on the exhaust...must be nearly there

Hi, My name is Darren Ponton and I am building a Locost (a replica of the little sports car know as a Lotus Seven) the interesting part about the Locost is that it is built from plans in a book called "How to Build Your Own Sportscar" by Ron Champion. .

Here is the INDEX to this site:

A description of my Locost Project

Frequently asked questions relevant to W.A.

Latest page of my Locost Build diary (lots of rambling, not very technical, takes ages to load)

SportsCar Builders Club of Western Australia Website

My submission to the DoT on ADR compliance

A list of parts required

a Library of information relevant to Locosts - always "under construction"

WARNING - the technical and legal information presented on this website is ALWAYS changing and cannot be relied on as being up to date! No responsibility is taken by me, if you chose to rely on the information, please do your own legal and engineering research, and consult qualified professionals. This website is not intended to nor should it, replace your own research, decisions of the Department of Planning and Infrastrutcure (WA) and/or engineering advice from an authorised signatory of the Department.

If Locost building all looks too hard, but you still would like a sports car, click here for information on other kit cars I sell through my business West Coast Roadsters.

BIG DISCLAIMERRemember my Locost hasn't been completed yet, the information provided at this website is intended to assist you in hopefully pass registration in Western Australia. It does not replace your own research, decisions of the Department of Planning and Infrastrutcure (WA) and/or engineering advice from an authorised signatory of the Department.

My mobile telephone number is 0407 083 145


E-mail me at

My page is purposefully focused on Locost construction in Western Australia, for a more international flavour login to the Locost Yahoo Mailing List
Or follow these Web Rings:

The Locost Web Ring is specific to the cars described in Ron Champion's Book,

The Clubman Classics web ring relates to all Lotus Seven-esque roadsters:

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This Clubman Classics site is owned by Darren Ponton.

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