Welcome to Our Web Page
This is our family home on the World Wide Web. Surf on in and make yourself comfortable...
- Last updated: April 8, 2000
Hi, I'm Ian. My wife Andrea and her children, James and Christina, live here with me. Welcome to our home!
If you've never been here before, I suppose you'd like a tour. Just click on the rooms listed to go to them. If you've been here before, just make yourself at home! Be sure to wash up your dishes and put the housekey back under the door mat when you leave.
- The Living Room - general info & photos (NEW Wedding Photos - Jan 29/2000)
- Links to friends and family
- The Study - meet my computer, see my resume
- The Garage - project car information
- The Games Room - images and info on classic and out-of-print board games
- The Kitchen - experimental cooking area/home microbiology lab
- James' Bedroom - game information and links
- The bathroom - just in case you need to "go".
- The Den - Logbook of updates to this page
- Email me: wj684@victoria.tc.ca
- Chat with me online - ICQ: 3859384
I am proud to provide a link to my favorite radio station,
- Created with Microsloth FrontPage Express
- Text and concepts written by Ian Campbell, c. 1998. All rights reserved.
- This page does not use frames, just because I don't like them.
- Backgrounds contributed by David (Pariah) Courtland, probably scooped from some source unknown on the Web..., and from the Microsloth Office 97 Seedy Rom