Joe's 1978 Corvette

FINALLY - My own Corvette

I've resisted the temptation to post a picture of my Corvette on the Internet as long as I could.  This is my first Corvette.  It isn't the most exotic Corvette and it isn't a very rare one but it's the model I wanted.  Since I first got my drivers license (25 years ago) I have always wanted to own a Corvette.  For one reason or another I always had to delay buying a toy like this.  Sometimes it was because of kids (I have four), sometimes it was because of a new home (I've had three).  Finally, with a little extra money and a lot of encouragement from my wife I was able to buy my dream car.  I thought that buying a 25th Anniversary Corvette would be appropriate since I've waited 25 years to own a Corvette.

Other views
of my Vette.

Front view

Back view



T-Tops Off

My Corvette scrapbook. A few magazines that picked up pictures of my car.

Good things don't always come in small packages

Click here if you would like to see why this car is on a Vette homepage.

1. December 1999 issue of Vette magazine.
April 2000 issue of Cars & Parts Corvette.
May 2000 issue of Vette magazine.
4. Not a magazine photo but a
COOL photo of my car shot by my son for a photography class..

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