Welcome to the homepage of the
Sanford Association of Professional Firefighters
Local: 3861
Hits Since 1/18/99
Treasurer: Jeff Reid
Secretary: Scott Knuth
President:Bobby Riddle VicePresident:Marty Hamel

We are a group of full-time paid firefighters commited to promoting fire safety awareness and raising money for local charities.
Local 3861
Index to
Some Projects to date:
** Raffle of a 19" color TV to raise over $2,200.00 for Lee County Hospice.
** Booth at the Lee County Fair to promote fire safety awareness.
** Smoke Detector Program for elderly and handicapped. To date we have raised enough money to purchase over 500 detectors!!! We install these on our days off from the Fire Station.
**First Annual Christmas Tree Lot. We sold over 200 trees, proceeds to go to future projects.
** BBQ/Chicken Plate fundraiser for Lee County Red Cross Single Family Burn-out Victim Program. This program assists victims from fires by providing immediate shelter and necessities. Over $3,000.00 was donated from this project! All money is earmarked to remain in Lee County.



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Change the batteries in your smoke detector twice a year, when you change your clocks for daylight savings time.
Some Future Projects:
**Raising money to provide a Cairns IRIS (Thermal Imaging System) for each first run pumper at our 3 stations. These infrared imaging systems cost in excess of $25,000.00 ea. They would be available for mutual aid to any county station.
**A "Fill The Boot" campaign for the Muscular Distrophy Association, "Jerry's Kids", is tentatively scheduled for the week before Labor Day,1999.
We are working with "Lowe's Home Improvement" in Sanford on a Local Hero's Program. This project is Firefighters and Lowe's Employee's working together installing smoke detectors. Lowe's has graciously contributed another $1,000.00 to the program. We participated in "Safety Saturday" by manning a table inside the store. We gave out smoke detector safety brochures and collected names of people who were in need of a detector or battery replacement. On Saturday July 3, 1999 we went out with Lowe's employees to install detectors.(Click to see Pictures)
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