Miata Club of Minnesota

E-mail us at miatamn@hotmail.com

We are a club of Miata enthusiasts interested in the design, development, and continued driving enjoyment as well as events centered around not only our cars but also our Miata friends.


Fall Rally to Spooner, WI   Sponsored by Morrie's Mazda (Sep 11-12, 1999)

Summer Drivers' School / Autocross  Sponsored by Inver Hills Mazda (June 20, 1999)

Spring Rally to LaCrosse, WI with the Iowa Big River Club, Sponsored by Morrie's Mazda  (May 1-2, 1999)

Special Thanks to all of our sponsors:
   visit their websites here:

Inver Hills Mazda
Morrie's Mazda
Polar Chevrolet / Mazda

       EVENTS for 2000:
A little something for everyone

Evening dinner Drives
Weekend getaways  (2 and 3 days)
Driver Schools
Poker Rallies
Pot Luck Events
Fun Get Togethers
Day Drive and Lunch
Dealer Discounts
Club Merchandise
Tech Sessions
And So Much More!