"WELCOME" to VetteBabe's Place

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen with the eyes or even touched......
They must be felt with the heart...

Hi There...My name is "Vette"
Hope you enjoy your little cruise here..

Loves of my life..

Peter, my loving husband

Baxter, my "beautiful" dog

My '79 Corvette

My son

My daughters

My grandchildren

My parents

Good friends and Internet buddies

My Personal Page

The "Best" movie of all times

Have you ever noticed how the length of Dorothy's hair keeps changing in every scene?

The best TV show of all times

Adult page(must be 21 to enter)

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As you browse through my pages, you will find
many more exciting things to see, and do.
I have added a link to a magic site
and a link to my school.
I kind of have them hid!! See if you can find them!
I have also hid a link to your "horoscope",
think you can find it??
I dare you to try!

Have fun, explore, and most of all, Enjoy!!

Please don't forget to sign my guestbook!

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