Why does
coaching work?
Our answer to this is "because
clients want it to". It's a collaboration between coach and client. The client
already knows what he or she wants, the coach helps to accelerate that process.
Coaching works because the client provides the desire and the motivation, the
coach provides the guidance and the specific change tools.
A coach also
has a very different perspective than the client, helping the client to grow
beyond their own self imposed boundaries. Think of any goal you could set
yourself, or any standard you could benchmark yourself against. The problem is
that you only know what you know, and you can only see as far as your own
When we set goals for
ourselves, they are invariably constrained by our fears - fear of failure, of
success, of risk or even of change itself. We protect ourselves from these
dangers by staying within our comfort zone.
No doubt you have
experienced being pushed close to the edge, and feeling the discomfort and
concern that this brings. Sometimes we get pushed outside of our comfort zone
altogether. When this happens in a stressful way, our fears are strengthened and
we learn that it's even more important to stay safe and not to change anything.
When this happens in a safe
and supportive environment, we learn that our fears are not protecting us - they
are hindering our own growth. We learn to push beyond our doubts and grow, to
become what we aspire to. This is the area where a coach works - providing the
safe and supportive environment that enables you to really grow.

Is coaching new?
Coaching is seen by some
people as the 'latest thing' in development. In fact, there have always been
coaches, they just haven't been formally recognized as a body of professionals
until relatively recently. In the past, people like consultants, mentors,
managers and friends influenced you and helped you to solve problems and plan
for the future. By working with a coach, you are accessing a specific and
powerful skill set that you can use to make changes and develop yourself in the
way you want to.
Outstanding managers and
colleagues have always coached the people around them. In organizations today,
it's more common to find managers having to manage upwards and having little
time to support the people in their teams. A professional coach can therefore
play a key role in the development of that team, bridging the gap between
expectation and performance in exactly the same way that the coach of a sports
team does.
Whether you're an individual
or a company, we can surprise you with the results you're able to achieve.
easily and quickly.
Coaching works because it is personal, often intensive and builds upon and
refines an individual's existing skills and talents. Ultimately, the only way to
really know what a difference it will make for you is to get in touch and find
out for yourself.
Make the most
of your people.
ISO9000? IiP?
EN29001? BiT? ISO14001? OHSAS18001? QSR? GMP? FMEA? V&V? 21 CFR 11? IEC801?
You can measure and test almost anything you like. The real test is whether it
makes a difference to the way you do things.
We have seen a wide range of organizations where the processes were right, the
certifications were there, but the reality was poor performance, low quality,
and disfunctional teams. We have also seen a wide range of organizations which
had no systems and no procedures but who made fantastic progress and amazing
gains. The difference was in the people.
Wouldn't you like to
have the best of both worlds?
A world beating system and a fully functioning, cohesive, dynamic, enthusiastic
and fully directed team of people?
The difference between success and failure is easily achieved but often
overlooked - our mindsets and patterns of behavior get so locked into "the way
we do things round here" we forget to ask the simple question "what would happen
if we simply stopped doing what we did?"
If the answer is "our competitors would step into the gap", then they already
have - because you are offering nothing unique. If the answer is "Nothing" then
you may wonder what value you add by doing what you do.
A & A Education can help you create an organization full of people who make a
difference. Who do something so unique, only you can do it. And who give you the
path to real success.
For a tailored solution to your corporate needs,
contact us now.
Sometimes you
know exactly what you need to develop your business - but you haven't got the
skills you need yet soon you will discover how easy it is to acquire them with A
& A Education.
A & A Education will help - but not in the traditional way. Whilst we do
have access to a range of subject specialists ready to help you grow your
business into new areas, our approach is to embed those skills into your
Some 'consultants' encourage
a dependency culture--making you reliant on their ongoing support.
They will sell you a solution that makes you reliant on going back to them
again, and again, and again. They make your business success dependent on
opening your cheque-book and paying repeat fees.
A & A Education encourages
an independency culture--helping you to create your own future.
We, like you, want to embed skills into your company -
giving YOU control and enabling YOU to run YOUR business in future.
Skills we bring to your business include:
- Leadership and management
- Marketing and sales
- Media relations
- Business development
- Change management
- Cross-cultural
- Internal communications
- Presentation skills
- Public relations
- Team building
- Training and development
- and much more
If you need something not
listed here - just ask. We probably know someone who can help, and who adopts
the same approach we do towards helping you develop your business.