Pontiac Car Club of Australia
(Queensland Chapter) Inc.

A Chapter of The Pontiac Car Club Of Australia.

Monthly Meetings

Note:  New Venue from October 2008
Held first Wednesday of each month at 8:00 PM, At
Beenleigh Tavern,
114 Distillery Road, Beenleigh
Use Exit 35 on M1, then follow Distillery Road.


President: Chris Malone  3865 3088 (H)     3235 2670(W)

Secretary: Philip Darby 0422 626 187

Treasurer: Mark Todd   3201 2766

E-mail: Qldpontiac@yahoo.com          *please use a meaningful subject line

Ordinary mail: P.O. Box 7037 Mount Crosby Qld 4306


Photo Gallery of Cars in Qld


History of Pontiacs in Aust, the US and of the Club


Events Calendar




Spotters Guide 1940 to 1980

Membership Form



Hire Cars for Weddings and Formals

Club Registration
(Club requirements under the Qld Special Interest Vehicle registration Scheme – PDF file)



General Information and Pontiac History | Coming Events | Photo Gallery of Queensland Cars

Spotters Guide 1940 to 1980 | Where are they now? | Classifieds | Links

 Pontiac Car Club Australia | SA Chapter




* Currently, emails to the club, Qldpontiac@yahoo.com  contain 20 – 30 spam emails for every genuine email.  By using a relevant subject line, ie. containing the word “Pontiac”, “car club event” or similar, will prevent it from being deleted without being read.