Apt.4-K Shrewsbury Green Dr.

Shrewsbury, MA 01545

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Primary Phone:(508)-754-4192

Jason DiPietro


    My objective is to gain experience working as a Fireman in a facility that utilizes high pressure boilers.

    My previous computer experience has been in automation of systems and development of tools involving code control, code management, build processes, and installs. Also, I have worked as a control room officer, with an emphasis on monitoring management systems.

    Since the Fall of 2007, I’ve been employed as a fireman 2nd Class and have worked at several plants in the area, including turbines.


  • 2nd Class Fireman’s License #126834 - (March 2007)

    - Boiler Operator and maintenance.

  • Perl Scripting.

  • BASH, KORN, & Bourne Programming. Writing automation scripts in UNIX & NT shell environments.

  • Experience with ClearCase (BASE + UCM), CCS, Source Integrity, and PVCS configuration management systems.

  • Web Design: Apache (Installation and running) HTML, DHTML, VRML, Document Object Modeling (DOMs), CGI scripting, Javascript, Java Applets, Microsoft Frontpage, Photoshop.

  • Microsoft Office Applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Access.

  • Lotus Notes, PCAnywhere, Artemis Trackview and PACE (Problem And Change Environment) tracking systems, WISE Installations

  • Cygnus (UNIX environment for WinNT), Banyan/Vines, Exceed, MS Toolkit, VNC Viewer.

  • Programming in C, C++, Visual Basic and Networking.

  • Operating Systems: MS Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows XP, UNIX, MS DOS.


    August, 2007 – Present – Boiler Fireman 2nd class

    Full Time Position – Energy Construction Services LLC., Worcester, MA

    NRG has me working at several plants, including one with a steam turbine.

    Main tasks include:

  • Monitor and maintain high pressure boilers (water tube & fire tube) and steam driven turbines at various power plants.

  • Observe gauges and maintain proper water levels.

  • Performance of chemical water testing.

    August, 2006 – Present – Securitas/Seagate Control Room Operator

  • My role is to manage data flows in a way that leads to the correct conclusion and reaction. I implement technical methods of information gathering that both identifies the critical elements and organizes the appropriate reaction. This is a combination of advanced detection, communication, and evaluation methods to analyze verify and make the correct judgment under stressful conditions..

    August 2005 – June 2006 – Received my Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certificate in order to care for a terminally sick relative. I re-entered the job market upon her expiration .

    May, 2005 – June, 2005 Clearcase UCM Administrator/Help Support

    Contract Position – SSGA State Street Global Advisors, Boston, MA

    Main tasks include:

  • Resolving user issues. Work tickets would be received from the Helpdesk regarding user Clearcase UCM issues & bugs. I would then analyze the problem and assist the user to resolve the issue.

  • I also wrote two Perl scripts to automate daily tasks.

    November, 2004 – March, 2005 – Release Control Engineer

    Contract Position – Symantec, Springfield, Oregon

    Main tasks include:

  • Performing migrations from Development to QA and Production.

  • Writing Bash scripts through SSH (secured shell) to automate daily tasks.

    June – Sept, 2004– Clearcase Administrator/Tools Developer

    Contract Position - Alcatel, N. Chelmsford, MA

    Main tasks include:

  • Performing builds

  • Performing merges between branches

  • Writing Perl scripts to automate daily tasks.

    May, 2004 – Completed a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science from
    Framingham State College.

    March, 2004 – Release Engineer

    Contract Position - Kewill Solutions, Marlboro, MA

    Main tasks include:

  • Performing builds

  • Restructuring and deletion of files and directories within a PVCS environment.

    April, 2001 – Sept, 2001 – Tools Developer

    Contract position - Fidelity Investments, Marlboro, MA

    Main task included execution of a regular bi-weekly build process.

    Other responsibilities included but were not limited to the following:

  • Automation of the bi-weekly builds process.

  • Labeling, creating, deleting, and renaming archives in PVCS.

  • Creating new folders and projects in PVCS.

  • Setting up PVCS access permissions for users.

  • Handling common user issues and PACE requests.

    Nov, 2000 – Feb, 2001 – Tools Developer

    Full time – GenRad, Westford, MA

    Main tasks included but were not limited to scripting various tools (in Perl) for code control systems as needed.

    April – October, 2000 – Tools Developer

    Full time - Applied Protocol Engines, Maynard, MA

    Main task included automation of a graph displayed on a web page generated dynamically on a nightly basis that shows changes in multiple lines of code.

    Other responsibilities included but were not limited to the following:

  • Writing scripts to automate builds

  • Create CDs of the results of nightly builds

Jan – Dec, 1999 – Tools Developer

    Contract position - EMC Corporation, Milford, MA

    Main task included overseeing the organization of files within the Clearcase configuration management system.

    Other responsibilities included but were not limited to the following:

  • Writing monitoring tools.

  • Designing intranet web sites.


Framingham State College, Framingham, MA

    - Bachelors of Science (BS) degree. (Spring, 2004)

    - Major: Computer Science.

American Red Cross, Worcester, MA

    - CNA Program for the American Red Cross. (May, 2006)

    - Acute Care Program for the American Red Cross. (June, 2006)

Technology Learning Center, LLC., Worcester, MA

    - 2nd Class Fireman License - (March 2007)

    - 1st Class Fireman/3rd Engineer License - (October 2008)

    - Boiler Operator and maintenance.

References available upon request.