
JP's Chevelle Site
This site is meant to be helpful to people that are interested in Chevelles. I have spent countless hours searching the internet for Chevelle related items, and it is my goal to list the best sites here. My other "toy" is a 2001 Camaro SS. I don't have room for both of them in the garage so I'm going to have to build a shop.

Here's what I do at my day job. www.jpkennedycpa.com
This project will be an ongoing affair, and I welcome any feedback (Good or Bad). Should you find a dead link please let me know. My current project is a 1969 SS396 Chevelle. The 3rd and 4th Pictures are the most recent.

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4

When I found my Chevelle it was missing the engine and transmission, and so I have elected to go with a 461 (Bored 454) Cubic Inch Big Block Chevy/Turbo 400 set-up. Pictures Here
Current engine components include TRW Forged LS-6 Pistons, 69 Oval Port Heads with Comp Cams Double Springs, 10 Degree locks and retainers, Crane 131311 Cam (.638 Lift), Crane Solid Lifters, Manley 7/16" Push Rods and Guide Plates, Edelbrock Street Tunnel Ram Intake, Two (2) Carter AFB's, Competition Cams Roller Rockers, Edelbrock Roller Timing Chain, Mallory Dual Point Distributor, MSD Coil, ARP fasteners. I bought a B&M turbo 400 and Converter. I'm ready to go now.

Take a look at Donald Stewart's Rare Daytona Yellow 69 Chevelle SS396

Here are the details on the car
Whether you are "restoring" or "restifying" a '60s or '70s Muscle car, it is a learning experience. When I started with mine I had very little information on Chevelles. Basically all I knew about them was I wanted one. After I found one, the adventure began. My goal is to help the average person by giving them the tools to make an informed decision when buying a Chevelle, buying new or used Parts, or buying high performance parts. I also plan on listing as many reliable sources as possible, so you will have a choice.
Used Parts/Project Cars:

Art Houser's - Specialize in Pre-1973 Muscle Car Parts/Cars. Rear End Specialists.
Team Chevelle
- THE best source for technical information.
The Swap Zone--Searchable database. Used parts, Project Cars,
E-Bay--Online Auction. Don't get sucked into bidding more for something than it is worth.
E-Page--Auction and Classified Network
Gearhead's Restoration Page
Classified Ads with Parts Cars, Parts, Free Ads, Restoration Section Project/Parts Cars
The Racers Network--Used High Performance Engines, Parts, and cars.
Thrifty Nickel
--National website. You can search your local paper here.
RPM Catalog
--Used Race Car Parts.

New Parts:

Ausley's Chevelle Parts
--If they don't have it, they probably will. They add new products all the time.
Brasington--New GM Parts at 25% over cost. Specialize in hard to find parts.
Frank's Chevy Parts
--All kinds of Chevy Parts. New & Used
Ground Up
--New alternative. Quality parts folks. Prices are fair.
Year One
-- If you don't have their catalog, GET IT. It's chock full of information, and they have just about every part you would want.
Musclecars Only-- Lots of stuff here. NOS, New, and Used. Check it out.
Original Parts Group
--Another good supplier. They also have a lot of hard to find stuff that is competitively priced.

High Performance:

Art Houser's
--Rear End Service and High Performance Parts. New/used/custom - built to your needs.
Art Morrison
--Check this out when it comes time for the suspension.
--Aluminum heads and more.
--"The" crankshaft people. A real helpful bunch.
Crane Cams
--Self explanatory
Competition Cams
--When its time to pick a cam start here.
--These guys make almost everything now.
--The gasket people
Flatlander Racing--Name Brands, Killer Prices.
Green Bay Parts World--A small operation with excellent prices. Real personalized service. Ask for Harland. He'll treat you right.
--Carbs, and more. Tech support here.
--High Performance Mail Order
Mark Williams Enterprises
--Special internet deals. Axles*Housings*Drive Shafts*Brakes*Third Members
--You might be surprised at all the products they make.
Mr Gasket
--Makers of Mr Gasket, Accel, Hayes, Hurst, and Lakewood Products. E-mail tech line here.
Northern Auto Parts--High Performance Mail Order. Nice selection. Lots of special tools.
--Nitrous Oxide Systems.
--Discount Engine Kits
--Performance Suspension Products.
--Pistons and performance products
Summit Racing
--High Performance Mail Order.

APT Instruments Intl Inc
The gauge guys--SPEEDOMETER & GAUGE Repair, Conversion, Restoration <
Broadway Title
--Lost your title? Bought your car out of a field? Check this out!
Florida Fast Title Service --Another Nationwide Title Service
Eastwood Company
--Just about everything you will ever need for restoration can be found here.
GM Goodwrench
--Can't identify a part? Special section to e-mail the pros here.
--This stuff is truly amazing.

General Information:

Chevelles net
--List of car clubs, suppliers, homepages, and technical information.
Team Chevelle--Chevelle club for owners of 64-72 only. Site has cars for sale, used parts, tech section, and much more. Gold Member 173
Devoted to Chevelles --Nice Site! Check it out.
Canadian Classic Chevelles & Beaumonts--Canadian Classic Chevelles & Beaumonts is open to all Beaumonts from 1962 to 1969, Chevelles from 1964 to 1983 and El Caminos and GMC derivatives from 1959 to 1987. Also accept any Chevelle, Beaumont or El Camino that falls into one of the following categories: Stock, Modified or Restored. This club is here to help its members with any questions or concerns about their vehicle. All models are welcome to join.
Oklahoma Chevelle Owners Association --Here's the local club. Members cars, Cars for sale, Parts for sale
Mid America Chevelle Club--Chevelle Trivia, SS Chevelle information, Chevelle Links. Member #182.
Nonecks--Chevelle site with tech information, homepages, and lots of resources.
Race Pages--A little bit of everything here

Just for fun:

Chevellfan's Home Page
Dan's Muscle Car Page
Drag Racing Monthly


IHRA Homepage

NHRA Homepage
Super Chevy

Got Jesus?

Racing for Jesus
--Tell Poncho I said hello.
In Touch Ministries
--In today's society, there are a lot of people that call themselves "Christians". I'm sad to say many of them are out for personal gain. If you are interested in learning the "truth" check this guy out. I can tell you from first hand experience, Jesus is alive and real. I'm a walking example of the mind blowing things He can do in your life.
Want to really have peace? Here it is
--The following is an incident that happened to me a few months ago. I have left it in it's original form as it was written a few days after this happened........

I was driving home from work a few days ago in my daily driver (Camaro) and I was exiting the highway from the left. I stopped at the stop sign and looked for any vehicles. Nothing there. The sun was in my eyes but I could see the outline of the highway. I nailed the gas as I always do and there it was. A big diesel truck doing about 65-75 ten feet from me. I had decided in that split second that it was all over. I then noticed that I was sitting still and my foot was on the brake. The truck went by and missed me by about an inch (literally). I guarantee I didn't have time to even comprehend that I needed to put my foot on the brake. I was not frightened after this but confident that God had spared my life because my purpose here on earth has not yet been fullfilled. I am not afraid of death as I know where I am going. Do not make the mistake of stereotyping Christians as weak people that need a crutch. I've been there, done that. If you want to know true peace. Click on the link above, it will be the best move you ever made.

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