This site is here to help educate everyone about the history of DECH Motorsport and the cars and parts they produced during their exsistence. We have owned two DECH Mustangs and thoroughly enjoyed them. Many a mile and smile was racked up in these machines, and fun times were had working on them, and showing them to interested Mustang enthusiasts.
DECH Motorsport closed their doors in 2000 R.I.P. DECH Motorsport 1985-2000
Thanks for 15 great years! For those of you that still own DECH Mustangs, take care of them but make sure they get out to play now and then.
My DECH Motorsports Info Section
Don't forget those -- UPDATES ---
A look at our cars
Thank you for visiting my website. ~Ken [DECHman]

This page is maintained by DECHman. Mustang and all related items are ™ Ford Motor Company and/or DECH Motorsports unless otherwise indicated. This page is for entertainment and information purposes only! Use at your own risk!!!