Duffy's Domain













This site is very keyly optimized for 800x600 or higher resolution. A high speed modem and IE 5.0 is a bonus too but not necessary whatsoever

Welcome to the new SirDuffy.com. I sincerely appologise to everyone for the lack of updates recently, I've been very busy with my company's web site and my recent school work (damn the public school system). I promise things will start the updates once again. Thanks to all those who are regular visitors, I am grateful to you thank you so much. 950 odd hits in a couple month ain't too bad, I'm trying to advertise a little more but its tough, maybe a few webrings and a few search engines.

To those new to the site, I've been working on it for quite some time and its just about ready. The site will become in essence 2 complete and unique pages, the car section and a personal page outlining thoughts, wrestling and of course my friends. Not everything works right now but its functioning pretty good. It'll be done hopefully very soon and I can't wait!Please search around and enjoy!

Take Your Pick:

Duffy's Car Enthusiast Page
Duffy's Personal Page

Contact Me

If you have any comments, suggestions, or wish to talk about cars, contact me, Bill Rishworth.

You are visitor since April 2000, thank you so much for visiting