Minardi Motorhome International

Minardi score first point since 1995. Click HERE for report

Welcome to the homepage of Minardi Motorhome International. This site has been set up by a group of Formula One fans who are working towards a common goal - to own a Formula One team. With F1 being a cut-throat sport, many teams have folded, never to race again. Minardi is one of these team that has not. They have outlived Tyrrell, Lotus, Brabham, Forti and Lola just to name a few. However, with a new era of major engine manufactuer involvement occuring, this beloved and popular team may soon be a statisitc. This is where you and I step in. In order to protect the Minardi name for years to come, we need support in buying the team so that it isn't sold off to a major manufacturer or international company. Join with us, and help own a slice of Formula One history. This is not a joke, or a money making scheme!

Around the site you will find a range of things to see. Our mission statement, contacts, links and picture are available to be viewed. Be sure to post a message in our message board.


I Want to be a part of it all

Motorhome News

Mission Statement



Pit babes and guys

Standings and statistics


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Visit the site which started this all : The Minardi Motorhome
If you have anything which needs to be corrected, updated or added, please contact me at: speedfreak99@hotmail.com   or ICQ me on : 35435315

This site has no affiliation with the Minardi Formula One team or any other Minardi Fan Club. All company and trademark names are tradesmarks or their respected owners, and are used for none commerical purposes.