1958 Chevrolet of Manitoba
Created by Dan Guenther
This site is devoted to the 1958 Chevrolets and fellow enthusiasts who own them. I purchased my first 58 Chev in 1977,  the Brookwood  station wagon pictured above. Over the years I have owned many other 58's  and have met a lot of terrific people along the way.
The 1958 Chevrolet was a year of big changes including new  dual headlights, redesigned X frame,  and two piece driveshaft. 
Show & Shine Fall 1998 Garden City, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The blue Impala is owned by Clint Castle and the red Impala is owned by Ron Ferguson, both are from Winnipeg. Clint's car recieved the award for the "Best Chevrolet" at the show (non 55 to 57 Chevs )
Custom fender ornaments!
My younger days!
This Brookwood had a 327, turbo 350, and 4:88 gears.The car ran the 1/4 mile in 13.607 sec. @ 100.89 mph. Gimli Dragways June 3/1984.
Please visit the 1958  Chevrolet
Memoriabilia and Collectables  page.
Visit the  "Friends"page featuring the cars of other 58 owners. Please submit your picture with a description and I will be happy to add it.
E-mail me at 58coop@mb.sympatico.ca
Last modified Oct/2001
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