Salisbury SportBike Riders Club

Welcome to the Salisbury Sportbike Riding Club!!  Thanks for visiting. I live in Salisbury, North Carolina and ride a 97 Suzuki Katana 750.  The purpose of this web page is to bring motorcyclist together for the enjoyment and fun of riding in a group.  Riding solo is rewarding, but it is also nice to have friends to ride with and be able to share experiences, etc..

I have no intention of charging any type of dues to become a member.  In fact, to be a member, all you need is a bike(of any type) and enjoy riding.  My idea is to determine a  place and time that is convenient to meet on Saturday and/or Sunday to ride.  I am open to suggestions also.  

My e-mail address is :

P.S.  This also my first attempt at building a web page, so please be patient.

Take Care,

© 1997

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