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Classic Mustang Page

Mark winning another race

Welcome to my Mustang page. Well, It's been awhile since I did anything here. In the next couple of weeks I'll be putting links and other things on my page. I'll also be attending the March Madness event here in Hawaii. This is a yearly event that attracts people like Mr. Shelby and writers from some of the Mustang publications. I'll post pics from that here. So, check back once in a while and let me know about your Mustang.

65 Fastback

This is my '65 Mustang soon after I brought it home. I'll be updateing this page with info as I go thru the car and restomod it.

Front veiw

This is a front shot. The scoop is a bolt on and was not done very well. Also, since this car has always lived in Hawaii, it has some rust coming out, including the hood. This hood will be replaced as it has suffered some damage to the areas where the hinges bolt to.

The paint on the car is very nice even though it is four years old. The color is a '94 Ford Wild Straberry Metallic. The interior is red and has been mostly redone. I'll be adding a few things to clean up the inside a little more, but not a whole lot.

All of the body panels are straight with only minor rust dimples coming out in the normal places. The floor boards are solid and show no signs of rust. The first thing I'll be doing is cleaning up the engine compartment and do alittle painting.


Well, here is the engine before I started work on it. As you can see, it's orange. Not really a Ford color. I removed just about everything except the intake and headers. The headers will be changed to Tri-Y's. The manifold and carb are Edelbrock parts.


Here is the motor after being painted. I decided to paint the manifold. At first, I wasn't going to paint it, but decided to after I pulled the carb off and started cleaning it. The color is not the exact blue I wanted, but it will do. I painted all the pullies, fuel pump and alt. Now I need to finish the rest of the engine compartment.

engine done

The completed engine compartment. I added the chrome Monte Carlo bar and cad plated bolts. Soon it will have a new three core radiator, headers and I'm planning to polish the valve covers and maybe the intake. The way it sits, it helped the car to take second place in the modified division. This was on April 11 at the Mustang Madness car show put on by the Aloha Mustang and Shelby Club of Hawaii.

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