(Or welcome back if you have been before!)
I really haven't had the time to do much with this site of late, mainly because of work and (if the truth must be known) because I have spent most of my days off working on (in other words, playing with) my car. Since finally getting it on the road back in March of this year, I have covered over a thousand miles with very few problems and enjoy driving the car SO much. The only niggling faults I have had have been a drivers-side window motor that doesn't want to motor, and a water pump seal which gave way.
The water pump was replaced with a complete new item, since I was not convinced the old one was that efficient anyways, and I figured I'd end up changing it sooner or later....might as well be sooner! The window motor however, has not been such an easy fault to bottom. I replaced the motor with a second hand replacement which worked fine for a time, but packed up completely during the American Auto Club UK show at Billing Aquadrome a few weeks later. All the electrics seem ok, but it just wont work. I suspect water ingress through the outer window seal may be the culprit here. Any of you guys in the US had this or similar problems?
I have also had to replace the starter, as it was old and worn out. Being in such close proximity to the hedders meant that as it got hotter, it jammed up and wouldn't motor over until it had cooled down a little. A recon was fitted in a few hours and duly removed to add some shims as the noise was horrible without them! Many thanks to all you guys in the alt.camaro.firebird newsgroup for working out why my damned car wouldn't start. It is a BIG help to be able to seek some advice from people who have been dealing with these cars for many years.
Anyhow, now that I've bored the hell out of you for a couple of minutes, perhaps we can continue to the rest of the site..