Blazer O Rama

Ode to the Greatest Vehicle in the universe

In the begining there was only muck, goo and a few bug eyed animals with tails and webed feet floating around. Some of these simple creatures worked on the engineering staff at Chevrolet. (the other companies used dumb little single celled organisms for their engineering team) Well with all of this goo and primeivel sludge covering existance the staff at Chevrolet recognized that there was a need for a vehicle that would power through all of the sticky slip and not get stuck or break down. Well they put their little knobby heads together and designed the K5 Blazer, and it's mechanical twin the GMC Jimmy. With this new Powerful tool they created these little creatures were able to evolve, since they didn't need their tail to swim because they could drive anywhere they wanted. As a consequesce These animals turned into the naked little simple creatures that you can see being born in hospitals all around the globe. (Exept hospitals in New Jersey. Their still born little monsters there) So that's it. You owe your existance to Chevy Blazers. It's about time someone created a shrine for them, which is precisely what I intend to do with this site. By the way for all of you anti-Darwins I am not an Atheist. I once fell off the riding mower while reaching for a beer bottle on the ground, and while unconscience I went to heaven and would you believe! GOD was driving a Blazer! ............................................................................... Just in case you even remotely care in the slightest fashion. I am a 19 year old college student who really should be doing other things than creating a Blazer page. (ie studying, making money etc.) The thing is I really love Blazers. My first vehicle was a 79 K5 which I still have and continueously modify. As I aquire more freetime I intend to make this page a gigantic pool of Blazer photos FAQs and as much useful information as one poor soul can spew forth on a webpage. so bear with me and check back in a little while to see if I have gotten off of my lazy duff and contributed my share to the all powerful Blazer.

Now that you have aquired your Project Blazer from Hell, or if your still searching for that perfect jewl amidst the piles of rust and metal clumps that everyone is trying to sell, you may start to wonder. Hmmmmm just what makes up the innards of my Blazer? Well Lucky thing your on the internet and can find almost useless websites like this one. Heres a brief rundown of what those metal chunks you find lurking beneath the sheetmetal could be.


There were quite a few engine configurations offered

Links to other crazy people infected with Blazeritus.

A fellow "Blazeraholic's" page
This guy has two hobbies, one is computers. Guess the other.
Need performance parts? Check out Summit Racing

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