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Many people ask me why I'm a car enthusiast or, as some say, a car-nut :-) It seems strange to me that people who are very serious about where they work, where they live, who they date, how they dress and what they eat are often pretty ignorant about what they drive. After all, our comfort, prestige and, what's most important, our safety directly depends on the type of car we drive. Besides, cars make great hobby.
Once they've understood this, they often ask: why Audi? There's lot of fine cars out there. I agree: there are cars faster, more comfortable or more reliable than Audis. However, what they win in one category, they lack in others. Audi is a perfect mix of performance, comfort and reliability. They are luxury vehicles that perform and handle like high-end sport cars and thanks to the excellent German build quality can provide many, many years of service. To share my passion for Audis, I have created this page. Because this page is a non-profit one made just for fun, I have used pictures from other people's pages without their permission. If you see your picture here and you feel it's wrong, please, before firing a lawsuit ;-),
e-mail me and I'll remove it from my page. Enjoy and happy motoring.
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