Welcome To RK Motorsports 

Welcome everyone to the home of RK Motorsports and the RK Motorsports number 13 Nascar Late Model.

Hello Race Fans, It certainly has been awhile and a long time without racing has got me in serious withdrawls! Oh well what is a guy to do when he doesn't have a sponsor and tries to make it in a sport that cost a fortune.
I sit and cry in the corner, just kidding. I suck it up and go to the races and watch what I enjoy doing, even though I am not doing it.
I hope eveyone like the picture of the latest and greatest car. I had actually traded my old modified for this car. I think the both of us got a square deal.
Just to remind everyone, I will be racing at Mountain Speedway. This track is located just west of the big speedway in the beautiful Pocono Mountains. Well I hope all of you can come out and have fun with us.

GOD Bless our Troops and may they come home safe.

Robert Koller Jr.
Spotswood, NJ
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