JW's Page

The Unofficial Farmall tractors, McCormick-Deering tractors
and Chevrolet page.

Thanks for stopping by.
I have some pictures loaded
I don't have a lot of time to work on this page, but I will do
the bes that I can with the time I have
So, please be patient

This is a page about Antique cars,trucks, tractors.

I collect and restore Farmall and McCormick-Deering Tractors.
I currently have 9 tractors. I have a B, H, M, Cub, F-12, F-20, W4, W6, and a W9.
I also have a '71 Chevelle convertible, a '55 chevy pickup, a 1986 chevy 4 wheel drive cab and chassis, a 1985 cheverolet 1/2 ton 4-wheeler, and a 1974 International b100.
I will be adding pictures as I go along so bear with me.

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