Hello, and welcome to my site. This page is all about the Geo Storm that was made by Isuzu but sold by Cheverolet/Geo. If anyone owns a Storm or Isuzu and wants to show off some pictures on this page, send em' to me at laloggia@yahoo.com
I will always be adding new pics to this page, so BOOKMARK it and stop back! The Geo Storm Owners Page is my home. When i'm not here, i'm there. I strongly suggest you stop by and check out the forum. Its a great place to ask questions and get good advice on Geo Storms. One more thing, all the pictures on this page are property of the owners and need permission by me to be used elsewhere. Now, on to the good stuff..........
This is a picture of my 1992 Geo Storm. I have since sold the car to a new owner who now takes care of it as well as I did. It has many modifications and has been a great car to me!