I created this web
site to express my scathing opinions about morons who drive cars. It's
appalling to see the quality of some other peoples' driving. To them, driving
seems to be taken as seriously as a carnival ride! A car is a highly effective
killing machine, but I prefer to use mine as a mode of transportation.
Note that since
the Internet is a world-wide phenomenon and this web site will probably be read
by people from around the globe, I should note that my write-ups deal with
driving in Canada and the United States of America. This means: driving on the
right side of the road, pedestrians are supposed to have the right of way (in
Canada—not in the U.S.), speed limits on freeways, passing typically done on
the left, etc. Also remember that our spelling for words such as
"color" and "labor" are "colour" and
"labour"; they're not typos!
Remember: try
to read beyond my sarcasm... you just might learn something!
I Don't Care What you Say—These People are
Drivers Shouldn't Have to Deal with This
The Three Categories of Car
Annoying Things About Trucks and SUVs
Prime Examples of Waste and Inefficency in Our
Sure is Hard to Do Properly!
Oh, Thanks, Mister Semi Truck Driver!
Why Daytime Running Lights are a GOOD Thing, not a
BAD thing
My Rebuttals Against Anti-DRL Web Sites
If you have any
comments about my web site, please e-mail me at
Specially selected e-mails I receive from people are categorized in either:
Other Quality Controlled Links:
| BEATERz.COM | Bryan's Rice-boy Page |
| How to Drive Like a Moron | Road Hog
Environmental Concerns |
| The
Ultimate Poseur Sport Utility Page |
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