Feature Dale Pics of the week!!
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We here at Motor City Garage 7391 would like to acknowledge all of the contributors to our page, MotorCity Garage in no way shape or form is endorsed by Nascar, Dale Jarrett, DAJ Racing, or any sponsors mentioned below. This page is merely an information source concerning DAJ Winston Cup Racing. The true Nascar Page is located below!!
Introduction to my home on the web!
Hi I'm Ron Bolinsky, on my web page you'll find lots of information about Dale Jarrett, because he's the best in NASCAR, (Well almost). In addition to the latest Nascar News, you'll see a few pics and descriptions of my pride and joy. My 1979 Ford Fairmont is the only of it's kind as you can readily see! I'm constantly updating my web page so be sure to check back often!!

Thank you for staying tuned! Still in the works for the photo gallery... Just hang tight I'm almost done. If you have been followin Nascar lately you would notice DJ is really kicking some butt. I apoligize for not updating sooner had a few personal problems to deal with. But I assure my readers that I will update my site everyday for your reading pleasure, on to the good stuff!!
Links to other sites on the Web

Nascar's official web site

Go to "Andy's Dale Jarrett Page"
Email me at apache1@vvm.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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This page last updated on 24 Oct 99

This Dale Jarrett Fan Ring site is owned by
Ron Bolinsky.

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