On this web site you will see pictures of various Camaros and other great Chevy and GM cars. I have dedicated this site mostly for my 79 camaro that is no longer with me due to an illegally parked transport truck (may he rot in hell!). I have a before and after accident section of my 79 camaro. I just bought a 81 camaro,and will be taking pictures of it and will be featuring a section on this site of the build up process, and will be updating this site with each step i make with my 81 camaro. This web site will be updated regularly so keep checking back for updates. I Chat in Yahoo,under the names Bowtie_79 and Killer_Camaro,if you have a car you would like to add to this site E-mail me with pic and description of what the car has ect.       ENJOY!!!

Temporary Link to "THE LIST" It is my parts list i'll be using and parts i want and need. check it out !

My new 2000 S-10 Xtreme!!!!!!

Before and after accident pictures of my 79 Camaro

Pictures and info. on my 81 Camaro

lPictures of my 81 build up and my plans for it.     Updated regularly !!

The sad story behind this 86 Camaro

Links to other kool sites. check em out !!

E-MAIL ME YOUR PICS OR COMMENTS @ bowtie_79@yahoo.com