Welcome to Gord and Pat's Project Page
My wife and I started some projects last year and we hope to have them completed by.........
Last spring we got the bug to build a water garden so we dug a hole 8ft wide by 25ft long by 3ft deep. We installed a rubber liner, filled it with water, surrounded it with rocks, built a water fall, installed a pump, a filter, scrounged some water plants some fish, and dropped in a couple of local frogs we caught in the ditch. Presto! Our own water garden. We also installed an electric bug zapper to supplement our fish and amphibian's diet. We also planted a variety of flowers and plants around the waterfall to provide an attraction for butterflies. The Pond also became an attraction for a local Blue Heron who enjoyed a gourmet dinner of our gold fish until our dog scared it off. The Pond has provided us with hours of enjoyment watching a miniature Ecosytem.
In the beginning..........
Last summer we acquired a 1950 Plymouth Deluxe 4dr.Sedan that we intend to restore back to running order. We want to drive it this year in the 3rd annual "Woodward Avenue Dream Cruise" in Detroit Michigan. We also plan to drive it to the "James Dean Rally" in Fairmont Indiana this September. We have enclosed a few pictures of the "Plymouth" in its present state and we will update this page with new pictures as the restoration project progresses.
This is a picture of the left rear seat floor in its present state. We've had to replace all the body mounts and most of the floor metal. The next picture is the engine compartment. We've changed the 6 volt electrical system to 12 volts for reliability.
My new project this year (1999) is a trailer to tow behind our 1978 BMW R100s motorcycle. The BMW National Rally in Rhinebeck NY will be the maiden voyage.
If you have comments or suggestions for our page drop us an Email at"