El garatge de Josep  
El garage de José 
Le garage de Joseph 
Joe's Garage Yes, it's like the Zappa's 79 album
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    Hello, fellas! Wanna take a look at my machines? Move, click and enjoy.....  


BMW R12 1940

Harley-Davidson WLA 1942 

BMW R35 1949

BMW R27  K750 Montesa Impala
BMW R27 1963  K750 1965  Montesa Impala 1967
Lambretta LI 150  

Lambretta 150 LI 1967

Dniepr MT-9 1971

(Sorry, still empty!)
 Citroen AX TZD
Chevrolet 1957  Volkswagen Bus 1978  Citroen AX TZD 1991 

(Sorry, still empty!)

(Sorry, still empty!)

Some more rusty ones 

..and on a corner, the music... 


  Credits  (Sorry again, still empty too;-)
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since April 1, 1998