1750 GTV, USA Production - from Sales Brochure

1750 Logo, found on the passenger's side of the dash

A page dedicated to the 105-Series Alfa Romeo 1750 GTV


Image Gallery     Technical Page      Parts & Cars for sale or swap


newanim.gif (2364 bytes)   Ever wondered what your 1750 would look like with different wheels? 

        then check out The Alfa Wheel Machine put together by Keith Tanner.


Any contributions welcome, pictures, technical info, or just suggestsions.

Email: Ben Dixon


1750 race cars, "Alfas in Clover" 15th March '98

1750 race cars, seen at the South Australian "Alfa's in Clover" event on the 15th of March '98


Maintained by Ben Dixon

Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo Owner's Club - South Australian Web Site

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Not Alfa related, but definately important -

Jabiluka is adjacent to a World Heritage listed area. The proposed mine would impact on both the listed cultural and environmental values of the region. The presence of uranium mining is simply not compatible with World Heritage or National Park values.


Some greedy people want to build a new Uranium mine in the middle of one of the world's most beautiful national parks.

Find out about it, and what you can do to help.