The First Page dedicated to Crew Chiefs on the World Wide Web!
Editor's Notes:
WOW! Finnaly an update! It has been awhile but we have done it. If you have sent us something in the last few months, Please resend due to a computer problem. Paul is stationed at Edwards AFB working the line in the 412th Test Squadron and Clay is still in the 63rd at Luke AFB. If you have any suggestions let us know and we will address them as soon as we can. We hope that we have a little of something for everyone. I am pleased to announce the opening of our new Joint Strike Fighter Picture Gallery!
New F-16, F-18, F-22, Antique Jet, General Aviation, Heavies, NASA PICS and Air Force Patches added May 3, 2001
New F-117, F-4, F-15, F-16, F-18, A-10, Antique Jet, General Aviation, NASA, Nose Art PICS and Air Force Patches added Mar. 28, 2001
New Air Force Patches Added Feb. 21, 2001
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This page was last updated on May 3, 2001 by Ssgt Eliot C. Creel and Ssgt Paul C. Boliou, U.S.A.F.