The Killer K-car

my car

New Content!

May 26, 2001

HA! That's what I say to everyone who thought that a website about K-cars would never last! Its been 4 years since this website went up, and I'm still getting email from people all over the world about K-cars. This rules!

Anyway, now for the content. I've added 3 new pages and one cool link for you, the gentle reader. The first (and my favorite) is a page on a Mexican Dart K that's a real survivor! That's all I'll say, but check out the page to see.

Second, I found the original List of Things That Can Beat a K-car". There may be imposters who flaunt this as their own work, but to them I say... well, I can't say that, this is a family site, so I'll just stick my tounge out at them.

Finally, I've added a page of pix of my new ride, a 1991 Plymouth Laser RS Turbo. Yes, for those who missed the K-car's obituary, its gone, but I intend to keep updating this site for as long as there's interest!

And, just when you thought you couldn't possibly have any more fun, here's a link to page chronicling K-car based limos. Sweeeeeet....

So dig in, feast upon the glut of K-car info. And, as always, drop me an email for any and all K-car related stories and questions. And don't forget, pictures are always good :)

~~NEW!!~~~ Southern Survivor Dart K!

Things That Can Beat a K-car

The New Laser

The K-car's Obituary

The K-Tech Pages

-Ever wonder what an Aries police car looks like? They really made 'em! This one is from the Miami, Florida P.D.

That's all I can think of now. Anyone else out there with a K-car, drop me a line if your interested in hopping it up, I've had tons of advice given to me that I'd love to share. In the mean time, these guys can get you started

Canadian High Performance Discount Ltd.: Look in the CompCams part, some 2.2/2.5 stuff there

Shelby-Dodge Mailing List Site: Yes, they tolerate K guys too!

The Plymouth Reliant/Dodge Aries homepage

The AllPar 2.2L N/A Page: Tips for TBI cars

Lambros Race Engineering: *THE* FWD dodge guys


The Everyday Extended K-car, or EEK! mailing list

K-car history page (required reading for the K-faithful)


There have been


hits since this page began in January 1998. Pretty good for a site on K-cars eh?

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