Welcome to Argh's great car audio and all kinds of other stuff page
Like all new pages made and maintained by us kids, this page is still under construction.

Hello out there in cyberland.
My name is Adam "Argh" Metcalf.
To read on about my exciting life click here
As well, you can see my resume if you want to give me my big break
into car audio installation

As for the rest of you, go ahead and pick the section that you want to visit
One of my favourite passtimes is of course, my great old computer
On my computer, I enjoy listening to music, namely mpeg layer 3 sounds or mp3s
Next of course comes my favourite part, car audio

Like Always, if you have any suggestions or complaints,
email me

You are number
to buy a new Dodge Ram
Copyright 1998, Argh International

Last updated Tuesday April 14, 1998. You are number

to visit.