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Start to finish the buildup of my wife's big Olds!

(The above add is a nessary evil, and is not recomended nor endorsed by the webmaster)

What you see here is the buildup of my wife's 41 Olds 66 series 2 door sedan. We kept the original suspension in back with Chevelle coils and Air Lift air assist bags w/ on-board compressor, added a Nova 10 bolt & tube shocks. Engine is A Rocket Olds 350, stock with an Edelbrock manifold & carb. We used a 83 Olds 200R4. Up front we kept the stock A arms. Added tube shocks and a 89 Grand Am rack. It drives great with this rack! Also added Nova disc brakes with 78 up metric rotors. These rotors will narrow the front wheel track a full 2" over Nova-Camaro rotors. Speaking of caliper brackets we had to make our own caliper brackets and sent the spindles to Speedway Motors in Nebraska to be cut. No one around here would touch them. The stock 4 door Nova driveshaft fit as is! Also use the Nova wire harness. Used a 77 Cutlass tilt wheel. We are keeping the stock seats. They are redone in gray cloth, Color is Tea Rose Pearl and Iris. We used chrome smoothies and Diamond Back wide white wall radials. Used a Tanks Poly gas tank & sending unit. Also check the links at the bottom.



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(The above add is a nessesary evil, and is not endorsed or recomended by the webmaster)

We've had a lot of help on this project, and I like to give credit were credit is do!

Our daughter Wendy helped strip the roof "see pic above" block sand and lots of other things to get this project on the road. She ripped on me for not including her here, with all the others that helped. Guess family got over-looked!

Tom Doughty built the 200R4 tranny and only charged for the parts! Toms the best dang tranny man around, and a good friend a neighbor!

Bill Keller gives me lots of tech advise. His blown-electronic fuel injected pro street 65 Chevelle convert may not be a streetrod, but it sure is a hotrod!

Walt Pezdek of Walts Body shop loaned me special tools, and gave advise on the new paints, which I had never sprayed before this. His 46 convert was built into a hotrod in 59, and has a 56 Chevy dual quad 265 for power. Pretty much un-changed since 59!

Mike DePalma sold us the big olds for a measely $600! He also gave advise as to the new paints and turned me on to Matrix line of paint supplys. Matrix is a mail order company out of PA, and I can tell you there stuff is as good as Dupont for less than half the money! A prize as yet undetermind will be award to the first person who can identify the coupe body pictured! Come on, take a stab at it!

Last but not least is Joe Piluso of Piluso's Service in Whitesboro NY. When I fell on hard times while I was putting the 37 together and was going to sell it and give up the hobby, Joe stepped in to make sure I not only didn't sell it, he gave me the parts to get it on the road! He is truly one of the finest people you could ever hope to meet in your life!

Rocket 350 power "A Olds in an Olds, how 'bout that?"

You've come along way baby!

Wonder were all those lovely pinup models went? They went Right Here!

As you can see, she really does work on her own streetrod!

Notice the interior color the previous owner chose to go with the lovely shade of green. I think it looks much better now!

Notice the nail polish matches the car?

OK, I guess I can look at the ol' girl now without crying! "sniff" This was my ride for many years up until York 98. Real black primer, no interior, loud and fast. Was going to finish it, but I had more fun with her just the way she is than anyone has with a $100,000 trailer queen! Just hope the new owner gave her a make over. Better yet I hope he's doing just what I did. Beating the dog snot out of it and having a ball!!!

LE FastCounter


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