lkm4earnhardt - Home of the NRON(R)L Fantasy Racing League

. Hi!! I'm lkm4earnhardt - this page has a born on date of 3/6/98...welcome!!

Fans for Safer Race Tracks, please look at the following document, I ask that all fans take an active role and write to the sponsors demanding that "soft wall" technology be seriously implemented at all tracks. Do this in memory of Adam Petty,Kenny Irwin, Tony Roper, and now sadly Dale Earnhardt - help protect the future of all drivers at all levels! F4SRT - Fans for Safer Race Tracks


A new site is also in development - a way to honor Dale Earnhardt - please take a look at the NEW Fans for Safer Race Track Initiative!


Fans For Safer Race Tracks was invited to witness a the testing of a new soft wall design that took place at Indianapolis Raceway Park on September 20, 2000 - the black box results will be available in the very near future. Officials from both IRL and USAC were present during this test session.

IRP Test

For those of you who thought the test at Lowe's was a "media event" as Mike Helton would like us all to belive please follow the link to see that the product is not just a "folly"


Bill Simpson has a solution - read the interview with Dennis Michelsen from

Frontstretch Site - Soft Walls ready for Testing


Also please check out this Safety Initiative at the

Racing Press Rivals Site as well - we all can make a difference An Initiative for Motorsports

Links to Fantasy League - NoRespectNascar(R)League

Browse through the'll find many pages of Winston Cup stats, a message board to share ideas and opinions, a Fantasy Racing League, pictures from "board meetings" at race tracks, and a lot of other Winston Cup information.

My obvious interest is Winston Cup Racing...and my favorite driver is and always will be Dale Earnhardt. Dale thank you for the many years of dedication and joy you bought to race fans everywhere, while you may be gone from us all too soon, you will never be forgotten. I ask that all fans remember the Earnhardt family in your prayers.



I'm also a Kentucky Wildcat Fan...go Big Blue

This is a NASCAR Fans Web Site
A Place Where Fans Can Get Togther and we have as you can see from the pictures below

Board Meeting Pictures held at Various Racing Venues

Bristol Spring, 1999 Board Meeting

Daytona Board Meeting – July, 1999

Michigan August Board Meeting 1998

Bristol Spring Board Meeting 1998 (and more)

First Board Meeting in Atlanta – Fall, 1997

Michigan June, 1998 Board Meeting

Daytona Board Meeting – October, 1998

Some of the Board Members

Future Board Members-- the kids...

6fan From Texas Racing – He Needs a Sponsor!!

The Batteryman Page

Some of my Favorite Dale Earnhardt Pictures

Some of my Favorite Driver Quotes

NEW!! More Dale and Jr. Pics

Something here you don't see and you'd like to...write to me at

Links to Other Winston Cup Racing Sites