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Times Since July 20,1998
Like a used pair of hydraulics... this page is constantly
being worked on.
ok... been a while. We did the May 2nd Toyo tires show. Brought home one trophy for the group (Only because 2 of us entered.) All in all it was a pretty fun day. Also in the last week or so, weve picked up about 3 new rides. One of our former members (Brian) whos car was in an accident, just got himself a new ride. A blazer. And guess what, its dropped already. The other rides include another s-10 driven by ray. and a pretty phat neon. When i have some time, ill take some pictures an post em on the page, after all.... thats what this is for. Pretty much i guess thats it.If your in the Englishtown NJ area for the show on the 3rd, and 4th of july, look for us.
Highs -N- Lowz Promise
Every Picture on this page, is
100% our own shit! I dont go ripping peoples pictures off from other sites. Every picture
on this page was scanned by me ( TJ) personally. You wont ever see these rides on another
page, and if you do.. its because they robbed me. If you would like to send me your car or
truck then go for it. I will eventually add a Viewers rides section. But ill only add it
when i see we got some pics to put in. So be famous, send me you truck and ill post it on
the page. Who knows it might impress some ladies.
Click here to see buisness that help Highs N Lowz a GREAT deal
Email me here
if u have any comments or questions.
This page was last updated 6/21/99
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