This Is Me
I got married on Sept. 26, 1999 to my, now wife, Julie. We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon and took some pics of the airport in Hawaii (Kona),the hotel we stayed at, the local surf, scenery, and some of the coolest sunsets around. Speaking of marriage, I also have pics from my wedding if you so choose to view. So, if you are interested in seeing some of these pictures just click below.
click here for: Wedding Pics
Julie and I also just got back from a 14-day cruise through the Panama Canal. We stoped at four places during this cruise. First stop was Aruba. Then we went through the Panama Canal. The second stop was Costa Rica. The third was Acapulco and the forth was Cabo San Lucas. What a time. It was fun and we met a great group of people on the ship. If you want to see and read more click "14-day cruise" below.
To see some stupid pictures of me fishing just click "Fishing Pics" below.
My 89 TZR 250 |
My Dogs |
My Ruppy Dog (R.I.P.) |
My Other Ruppy Dog |
My web page also has pictures and information about:
click here for: GO-KARTS
Or you can e-mail me if you have any questions.
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