Central Ohio MG Owners Association

Check out our car badge


10260 Covan Drive

Westerville, Oh 43082-9295


Tel: (614) 882-6191

Contact: Jack Smittle mgt1jack@aol.com


Founded in 1983, this club has 180+ families in its membership. This is a group of MG enthusiasts who welcome participation of all MG owners. The club encourages the preservation and driving of MGs and the opportunity to enjoy the friendship of other families involved in the hobby. Several events are held each year including tours, car shows, picnics and an annual Christmas party. A newsletter is published 4 to 5 times a year to keep members informed.

E-Mail our Club: mgt1jack@aol.com

Links to related sites:

Main web site for COMGO updated regularly with dues, application form, and event information

American MGB Association

The New England MG-T Register

http://www.lickingcounty.com/ - Licking County Information

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