Da Skumbusta's of
It's not da size dat counts.
It's `ow far dey fly when yaz throw em!
-Nob Gulgrim
Oi, I'm Riggamek of Da Skumbustas.
We'z out testin' our'z buggy, so'z come back laterz.
Who is Da Skumbustas
`Ey don't forget ta vizit our'z spawnsir
Check out Shuvo's and Rigga's mean mashens
Da Leegul Stuff
Face it Digga youz number
. Wait your turn.
Dis Gorkamorka Webring thingy is owned by Brock.
Doo ya wanna join da Gorkamorka Webring?|Skip da wun beefor| |Da wun beefor| |Nekst wun| |Skip da nekst wun| |Eny ov em| |Nekst 5| |Orl ov dem|
"Oi don't forget to pet the pup and sign da book ov names on da way out."
Ov corse yooz could allwaz be cold an juz look at da book.
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