Every one has a dream. Mine was to live in the mountains.
After spending most of my lfe in what became Silicon Valley, I finally made it. I bought myself a home surrounded by very tall cedar trees in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Now I can go hiking right from my front door. I get just enough snow in the winter to make it interesting but not so much I need a snow plow to get out of my driveway.
I spent most all of my life camping, hiking and backpacking up and down the Sierras. What could be better than living there full time. I live here with my three dogs, Boots, Dolly and Ruby. An Aussie shepherd mix, a Lab and a Rotweiler. My now grown son lives with me at the moment but has what amounts to his own apartment downstairs which he shares with his dog Shelly, a Rhodesian Ridgeback. I love looking out over my back deck and watching the sun set through the trees and how the wind sings when it blows through the branches. I get a boost every morning when I walk out to the scent of the cedar trees and fresh earth. Especially after it rains.
My door is always open to a friendly person so don't be a stranger.
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