Hello, My name is Ron Wantuch, And that Beautiful Woman, to the right, Was my Fianceé, Teresa Cristina Amorim. We would have started the third year of our relationship, in September 2000. The first year was Magical / Heaven. The second year was filled with many adventures, strife, and heartaches. She has been gone since February, without returning for a rest.. The third year, we both hoped, would be a time to settle all the affairs, of her past life, so we could finally settle down to our life together. She said she wanted to give our relationship a rest, What ever that meant? She refused to be reasonable & fair, to both of us. Too many excuses, too many delays, too many broken promises. We had to end our relationship on 8-16-2000, or end up destroying each other...completely. Teri came to me from 5482 Miles away, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. We shared a Love so rare, so Beautiful, so pure, it was a Love experienced by a very few... Our Love through all our hard times, was strong enough, true enough, to allow us to survive...But after a six month separation, we had no other choice but to end it. That insanity couldn't go on forever. Her "situation" at the present time is filled with duties, guilt, & obligations, that prevent her from even coming Home for a short time. Not even for one week.
Love takes an enormous amount of effort, & work. It is not for the "Lazy", or the "faint" of Heart..I will Always Love her, & She will always Love Me. But we can not be together any longer. Thanks for sharing this with Us. I truly hope you find, or have found, a Love as powerful, for yourselves. What is the Power Of Love? It's amazing! It's incredible! But only when it is "True", when it's "Real". Best Wishes from Us to you. Teri's Love, that first year, was my "Greatest Gift Of All", and will always be.. Our second year, was an eternal, living nightmare, for the both of us.
Why do "Fools" fall in Love?
"Love Hurts, Love Scars, Love Burns, and Marrs, any heart, not tough, or strong enough, to take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain, Love is like a cloud, it holds a lot of rain! Love Hurts!"
Signed: Ron Wantuch & Teresa Amorim

" How Do I Live Without Her?

Rio de Janeiro - Where Teri Calls "Home" Now.
The Marvelous City

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