AVAC Albers&Vonhoegen KFZ-Sachverstaendige
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Welcome to the Albers&Vonhoegen Homepage

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Our homepage aims at giving you useful information about problems with classic cars such as registration, evaluation and assessment, especially for Germany.

We are specialized in classic cars and have therefore decided to give you the answers to most FAQ. Please note, that the german homepage is NOT a mirror site of the english homepage.

Links for your information:

German Version / Deutsche Version
Registration, general
Registration of kitcars and radically altered cars
AP-Lockheed on silicone brake fluid
other FAQ
lost in the wilderness of registration pre-and suffixes?
bookreviews by yours truly

NEW TO COME: INTERESTED IN HILL CLIMB OR SPRINT RACING? A cheap way to race your everyday car.

This is a non-profit-making-site and is non-commercial. Therefore all information given is without warranty in respect of accordance to the current law in EEC-states, correctness and completeness.The information given may not necessarily reflect the opinion of the page owner

sample question:

Q: Is there any real use having your vehicle evaluated, or does it not really matter?

A: There are two types of evaluations, the first, cheaper type is an on spot evaluation, that gives you an estimate of the cars value. This is fine, if you want to buy or sell a car (or bike). For insurance purposes you should have an evaluation that lists up all facts about your vehicle and is backed with photographies. This is more expensive, because its more time consuming and the evaluator will check current prices in lists, magazines and other available sources. Some insurances state, that you don't need a proper evaluation. This however can lead to serious trouble when the unwanted event of theft, damage or total loss happens.

A typical Mini-Meet of the Mini-InterNet-International, 1998

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