Mark Gilbert Gadzikowski
Santa Clara, California


Click this link for my printable 1-page PDF résumé


Communicate information effectively to customers, via hardcopy and online media
as information architect, senior technical writer, or documentation manager.


  • 15+ years professional experience with graduate education.
  • Project management success, concept-to-publication, for hardware and software documentation. Able to please marketeers, engineers, and customers ... at the same time.
  • Multi-platform publishing experience using FrameMaker, WebWorks, MSWord, Home Site, Photoshop, PageMaker, Quark XPress, Interleaf, WordPerfect, Illustrator, RoboHelp, Front Page, Home Page, Visual Page, Arachnophilia, Pagespinner, BBEdit.
  • Hands-on technical expertise in software and hardware; knows source code and schematics well enough to correct errors; programs elegantly from bare metal to user interface; holds the proper end of a soldering iron.
  • Designed and coded useful software in HTML, JavaScript, C, Pascal, Fortran, BASIC, HyperCard/Hypertalk, NewtonScript, Visto Expander, assembly, and machine code.
  • Solid written and oral communications ability.

Employment Summary

Senior Technical Writer, 2004 to present
VMware, Palo Alto, California
* Scoped, Researched, wrote, and published hardcopy, HTML, CHM, & PDF manuals for software to virtualize x86 computing (Workstation v5.0 and Virtual Center v1.2).
* Collaborated with, aided, and mentored team members on entire product line documentation.
* Documented customer solutions formally through company Knowledge Base articles, and informally on internet forums.
* Assisted software user-interface design.
* Contributed to publications department standards, style, and procedures.
* Managed and maintained Technical Publications' product test servers.


Contract Technical Writer, 2004
Silicon Genetics, Redwood City, California
* Researched and wrote user guide for first release (Version 1.0) of software to analyze genetic variances.
* Assisted user-interface design for genetics analysis software.

silicon genetics

Contract Technical Writer, 2004
Marketlab, Napa, California
* Edited marketing collateral.


Senior Technical Writer, 2001–2003
NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, California
* Researched and wrote data sheets, board design guides, technical briefs, application notes, chip errata and magazine articles about ASICs for an audience including OEM manufacturers and technical hobbyists.
* Documented all NVIDIA product lines, including graphics processors (GeForce, Quadro), game console processors (xBox), and motherboard chipsets (nForce IGP and SPP northbridges, and MCP/MCPD/MCPT southbridges).
* Represented technical publications at inter-departmental, project, and product release meetings.
* Assisted construction of company-wide templates, style guide, and publications procedures manual.


Senior Technical Writer, 1999–2001
Remedy Corporation, Mountain View, California
* Researched, wrote, and published hardcopy, HTML, & PDF manuals
for multi-platform database applications.
* Architected online help system delivered via JSP to browser client,
while retaining compatibility with legacy Unix/NT clients.
* Managed documentation and business projects as technical lead.
* Represented Information Development (technical publications)
on interdepartmental committees.
* Contributed to publication style and procedure guides.
* Won industry awards for team publications in 2000 annual Northern California Society for Technical Communication (STC) competition.
* Earned certification in AR System Administration, AR System Advanced Topics,
Remedy Change Management, and AR Web & Remedy Web.


HTML Developer/Technical Writer, 1997–1999
Visto Corporation, Mountain View, California
* Coded dynamic help system for Internet personal information manager (PIM) using Javascript-like proprietary language.
* Wrote and maintained WinHelp online help system for web-to-desktop synchronizing software.
* Managed content and published corporate website.


Documentation Manager, 1994–1997
Alliance Semiconductor, San Jose, California
* Managed marketing and technical publications for entire company.
* Created and staffed Technical Publications department.
* Established and enforced documentation review process.
* Designed, wrote, and edited publications for SRAM, DRAM, Flash memories and VGA graphics controllers.
* Published paper and electronic briefs, catalogs, datasheets, design guides, databooks, design specifications, programming manuals, press releases.
* Implemented and maintained website and BBS.
* Assisted user interface development for Windows® video drivers.
* Negotiated with print vendors to meet budgets and schedules.


Contract and temporary positions, 1992–1994

Senior Technical Writer
FMC Corporation, San Jose, California

* Drafted and edited technical proposal to win $54 million government contract.

* Researched and wrote documentation for software in Bradley fighting vehicles.

* Developed re-usable templates for mil-spec 2167A.


Publications Coordinator
AMCON Distributing, Omaha, Nebraska

* Authored and distributed weekly time-sensitive sales publications.

* Managed documentation projects from concept to delivery.

* Published marketing collateral sponsoring first annual trade show for over 100 vendors.

* Created re-usable templates for bulletins, catalogs, fliers.


Technical Writer
Quixale Software, Rockford, Illinois

* Wrote manuals and online help for point-of-sale software.

Documentation Manager, 1991–1992
UTS Software, Rockford, Illinois
* Wrote manuals for mathematics software and engineering add-ons.
* Edited all technical and marketing collateral published externally.
* Developed and enforced company writing standards.
* Implemented documentation configuration management.
* Tested software against specification and verified documentation.
* Established CompuServe support forum; provided technical support.


Technical Writer, 1991
First Data Resources, Omaha, Nebraska
* Researched and wrote credit card transaction processing manuals.
* Managed project for revision of United Kingdom transaction manual.
* Translated 40-manual series from American English to British English.


Multiple concurrent positions, 1987–1990
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

Computer Technician

* Trained faculty and student users of English Department network.

* Supported Macintosh network software and hardware.

Composition Instructor

* Developed and taught two-semester Freshman English coursework.

Research Assistant

* Wrote manuals for Computer Aided Language Learning software.

* Allocated funding for student computer accounts.

Iowa State University

Iowa State University

Master of Arts Degree, English (Creative Writing)
Iowa State University, Ames.

Bachelor of Arts Degree, English (Business and Theatre minors)
Iowa State University, Ames.

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resume copyright © 1997–2002 m. g. gadzikowski
all rights reserved
product names, corporate logos, and service marks are the property of their respective owners
