Monique and I at the fish hatchery near Yosemite. (No, that's not my SUV)
I was born at Saint Agnes Hospital in Fresno, CA
in 1968. Rumor is the nurse dropped me on my head carrying me from the operating
room to the nursery, no really.
My own box is not a screamer, it's got
a satellite connection and couple hundred megs of RAM. Just enough to play
some games and get on the net. My site is hosted over at Geocities
because I tend to tear my own boxes apart a lot for educational purposes.
We have four of them, 1991 Eagle Talon TSi
AWD, 2001 Nissan Maxima, 2004 Mazda 3 and a 1977 Chevy 4x4 ¾ Ton
Pickup. These vehicles take a large portion of my free time. Working on cars great way for me
to relax believe it or not. The little Talon gets autocrossed, drag raced and driven to work. The
Maxima is my wife's daily driver and the 3 is mine.
Movies and Music:
Being young and stupid in Japan with lots
of disposable income got me started on an expensive surround sound system. It counts as a
hobby based only on dollars spent. I was playing wide screen
laserdisc movies back when people had never heard of such a thing. I'm so glad
the rest of the world has caught up so I don't have to explain why I have six
speakers or why all my movies have little black bars at the top and bottom of
the screen anymore.
Fish Aquariums:
We have between three and six aquariums operating
at any time depending on the time of year. We keep all kinds of fish from around the
world. They are mostly South American Cichlids and Tetras. We also have a goldfish pond
with a small creek in the backyard. The tanks range
from very small 2 gallon desktop affairs to our 100 gallon monster. |