
1953 Mercury / Teddy Reiss´s Page

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Welcome....You will find information about the restoration project of my 53 Mercury Monterey, as well as many links to my favorite sites.

To all 53 Merc fans visiting this page that are interested in sharing information and parts for restoration projects, please drop a line to my mail. I have lost all adresses of prior contacts.

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                Finally....The car rolls again, after 13 years,(1991-2004)
                but still details to work on... and the project continues. 


" Restoration  is  the  insane  action  of  cleaning 
         every  screw  and  nut  of  a  car 
                with  a tootbrush! "

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dark_bullet 53 Mercury Homepage

dark_bullet My Project Car 1953 Mercury Monterey

dark_bullet Black Convertible

dark_bullet Other Mercury Resto Contacts

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Water Drip

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