Cloud Dancing

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  Hi, My Cherokee  name is Cloud Dancing,, a.k.a. Rev. Ken Andrews Ph.D.  I am a Cherokee style Shaman  My many talents include a Spirit Guide, Healer, registered & ordained Minister (non traditional), also as computer Wizard.  Besides being of English - German descent, I have 1/8th Cherokee blood, and additional Native American blood from an ancient tribe in the old Massachusetts area.
  My pictures do not show my shoulder length ponytail with the local feathers I wear.  As you can see my horse is made of iron.  Quite often she takes me to observe a clear & unobstructed view of the setting sun, while listening to live music, and more often than not, includes an evening meal, and dancing.  My small computer business, along with other incomes allow me to enjoy life to it's fullest, and I try to enjoy all the gifts the Great Spirit has for us.  Sometimes I'm able to catch a Sunrise from under a large Tiki hut on a waterway, which enhances my morning meditations, along with the view across the water, listening to the whispering pines across the way, and the many animals that visit, air, land, & sea, tend to make for a really good day no matter what I may come across.  My celebration of the setting sun does much the same for my night time adventures.  These meditations have left me with great concern about the Prophecies that have come forward recently, or at least where they all match.
  My great grandmother, considered a Shaman by the Cherokee in the mountains of North Carolina, handed down this gift through my mother before I was born, and told her that I would be born with a veil over my face, as she was, the sign of a Shaman.  I try & hope to use these gifts as they were meant, at all times.  All of this has recently been brought out more than ever before, due to the fact that I am a walking miracle, at least that is what my doctors friends, & relatives say.  I also know that if it were not for these gifts, and the proper use of them, I would not be in this plane of existence.
  My father William Andrews, was a great architect, and was involved in designing a great many landmarks in south Florida, out Islands, and a few other countries.  Some of his work included the Fountain Blue, Eden Roc, Lincoln Road Mall (Miami), and many hospitals in the area (Cedars Of Lebanon).  He was born a native of then Lemon City (Miami), and grew up with Billy Billy, a  now, well-known Seminoe Indian Chief.  He taught me many a Indian way, including the building of a kayak, quiet footsteps, weapons, and night vision etc.
  My mother, Jeanett  Andrews, also a great Lady, a many faceted business woman, taught me more of the spirit world, of herbs, and healing, as handed down in true Cherokee fashion.  My uncle, a full blooded Apache, taught me many of his ways, & beliefs, which helped to inspire some of my western U.S. adventures.
  Senseibear, a life long friend & brother, is an official Blackfoot story teller. He is a true registered, multi- faceted, high ranking Sensei in the Martial Arts, and also a minister.  He has taught, & inspired my learning of the eastern world, in the ways of  healing, medicine, martial arts, and most all that has been lost in the migration across this continent from the land bridge formed so many, many, moons ago.
  I no longer study any fighting forms but concentrate on  Qi Gong Tia-Chi, a clinically proven healing form that can be utilized by persons of all ages 9 to 99, and still being used by some over the 100 mark.  It has even provided some regeneration ( as in reversing the aging process ) for myself and many others.  This is what I consider the ultimate of the Martial Arts, and I use many of it's principles along with many others in the Healing processes I now use to cure many of today's ills.  I have been working with many M.D. type doctors with this new curing the Mind, Body, and Spirit approach.  I also refer some of my clients to these doctors when their conditions warrant it.  I have found, as many have, that most medical conditions, stem from an existing spiritual situation.  This is where I do my best work, and have had the best results.  So if you have any questions, or just want to exchange a line ir two, write me at the e-mail address below.

 Also if you have comments or suggestions, email me at