Nasir Khan

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Chapter 13.

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Chapter 14.

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Hi. Let me tell you about myself. I am a currently a student at Albert Campbell in grade 13.  This is my final year in high school.  My plans for the future is to get a degree in business management.  My favourite pastime is playing sports.  I love playing sports, all kinds of them.  I play for a competitive hockey, baseball and basketball team. 
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My hobbies and interests include
playing sports, travelling and driving.  I also like to just spend time with the family.  My family is really keen on keeping family ties good.  It's hard though, having three sisters, it's always 3 on 1.  Sports are my favourite pastime.  I guess because I was raised watching sports.  My dad is a sports fanatic also, maybe even as big as a fan than me?!?!?!?!
I have a mom, dad, and three sisters. Two are older, one is younger. My older two sisters are married and one already has a daughter!. One of my sister's lives in Chicago with her husband while the other one is here.  I often visit Chicago because I have seven uncles from my mom's side and an aunt from my dad's side, as well as many cousins.  Large family right?!?!?