Not a single corner has been cut on the restoration; reproduction parts have been used only if absolutely necessary. The only "creative engineering" applied was to the seat springs, which were replaced by bedsprings salvaged from an old box-spring obtained at the local Goodwill.
My Dad has been a mechanic for nearly 40 years. In that time he's worked on numerous projects - including the complete restoration of a Piper Tri-Pacer (that's an airplane for those of you who keep your feet planted on the ground). This time, however, it seems as if he's finally found what he's suited for. I've never seen him enjoy himself more, and the final product is definitely worth all his hard work.
I hope you enjoy these pics of the work in progress. If you have specific questions, comments, or words of praise for Dad, you can sign the guestbook or Email him direct at:
Click on the thumbnails for a larger view - Thanks
for stopping by.