the mustang BOSS302
was a
crowning achievment for the ford motor company
designed to
run the twisty mountain roads with the best of
It still fit into the pony car classification
yet was
powerul enough to run with the muscle cars on
straightaways. among the three bosses it comes
in second in
functionability and first in overall fun
and Finally the
BOSS351, an
often overlooked car and engine, with the same
bodystyle as
the mach1's in 71 it made it hard to spot in a
crowd and
the writing denoting it as a BOSS was hard to
reaad sittin
next to it at a light, but the 13.8 quarter
mile that it
was capable of from the factory meant you
would not soon
forget it when it left you standing cold,
rating first in
my book for functionability and second for overall fun. the
powerplant gave plenty of acceleration in
straightaways and
the suspension retained enough of the BOSS302
styling that
it was just as fun in curves! also a limited
numbers it's worth is among the tops in ford
Hi I'm dave.
I am originally from Kansas
Missouri, but now reside in Bonney lake,WA
I created this page to celebrate and catalog the
restoration of
my 69 mustang coupe(otherwise known as
hardtop).incidentally as a sidenote.. this page is mainly dedicated to the ford production mustangs the exceptions being the kar kraft built boss's, the shelby's will be catalogued on a seperate page altogether which i have as yet not created(busy tryin to find decent photos of all the shelby's in original trim)
Anyway, the car in question was an all original coupe with a 302-2vci engine, a C-4 tranny, and a 2.97 differential.
It was originally lime green with ivy green interior, leather dashpad and polished vinyl seats, over the many years of abuse that this beauty recieved at the hands of a unappreciative previous owner it was all changed to cherry red exterior with black interior, although they kept the engine and transmission and rear end original stock(thank god)
I purchased the car
in august
of 97' it was in horrible shape and in dire
need of
TLC, so i immediately spent 2000 on the tie
rods and
other steering componenets to make the car
while i found adequate storage facilities. the
car is
now being stored while i plan out the
Also, being as how i have a mountain of mustang data, i will occasionally post restoration tips and other nifty information on late 60's and early 70's mustangs, Including a historical and technical explanation of the changes in the 69 and 70 production years. which will include horsepower ratings for some of the powerplants, Transmission and Rear end options, also eventually i will format a table for use in decoding the vin number on your mustang.but that will take awhile! you can look to the data on history and tech stuff for differences that amount to as little as a graphic in the c-pillar on one of the models.
if you have information or need information please mail me and we can swap secrets!!
oh, and thanks for visiting my page
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