Wild Mike's Omni Site
A page for the L-bodies and other SD's
Friends Cars
My Old K-car
Crazy Ideas
The for sale page
The Conversions
The shadow

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If you have any tips or ideas on how to make this site better or point something out to me about the car. just shoot me an e-mail. If you're in the vancouver area, let me know!
Welcome to the Crazy site of Mike Wimmer and all of my ideas, cars, problems, mods, thoughts on such things.etc etc. There are always updates. I'm always taking pictures. Too bad I have to bug my friend to use his scanner. I've gained loads of knowledge. If you have a question feel free to ask!
Our 86' GLH-TII
Warning:  This isn't your average four banger
If you want to get to know some of the crazyness that goes on  in cloverdale thats not car related go here.... THE DUDES
Happy New year!
Old school shot, notice OLD pizza wheels
Wes, Kyle and myself.. bad weather!
And off to a good start so far this year. The caravelle is sold and the black omni is up for sale to make way for more projects. Cal from paul should be arriving shortl had Julius weld the turbo 2 bracket onto a t1 can for me. Will be tons of fun at 22psi :)
Doing some engine bay cleanup. a nice new coat of santa fe blue for the entire engine compartment.
Thanks for stopping by my site. If u have a FWD dodge or other Performance car site, E-mail me so I can add it to the Links.
You can contact me anytime at
Last updated  JANUARY 3rd 2003
I'm not responsible for your actions let alone mine. there are numerous things on this site that will give u a craze for more power and better ET's at the track, if you break something it's your own damn fault. I give my information only based on my results. there are soo many different factors that can be involved. have fun.
There is work in progress for a B.C and north western US SDAC chapter. Anyone interested, contact myself, or Mike Baynes.