If ya want to go to specific pages just use the links..if ya want to see em' all just click on the (go to) at the bottom of each page

wanna flog your parts or accesssories e mail me i'll gladly post em for ya!!

Go to Page 1 My wifes 65 Barracuda

Go to Page 2 My 65 Dart GT,or 65 Valiant Signet

Go to Page 3 The many Darts I have known, unfortunately not owned

Go to Page 4 My dragstrip favorites

Go to Page 5 just silly pics and submissions

Go to Page 6 John Wright's pro mod in its early stages

Go to Page 7 John Wrights pro mod in its latest greatest form

Go to Page 8 Johns dad's Roadrunner pics and a little history

Go to Stuff for Sale

Where I used to work recently,fortunately not anymore

Where I work now

Where I used to work!

<>My Fury and Avenger!

MY PICTURES OF CARS ARE SCATTERED ALL THROUGH THE REST OF THE PAGES,IF YA WANNA LOOK AT CAR PICS SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE AND CLICK ON "GO TO PAGE ONE" AND SO ON,THE FIRST PAGE IS JUST ME FLAPPIN MY GUMS AND SHARING MY OPINION ABOUT MOPARS Make sure to visit all the pages including my for sale stuff linked to my last page... more to come.Also if ya wanna contact me directly...i'm on icq a lot and my icq#is 8333411 .Lots of pics scattered all over the place.You can watch some of the cool gifs as ya wait for the pages to load...Also don't hesitate to send me pics of your cool to you MOPAR I'll be glad to post em.. If I don't have a category for them I'll start one.Get your circle of friends to send me their pics too !!Late model mopars is something I haven't featured yet or trucks ..I have a special place in my heart for them too.I have had an 84 Ram 350 crew cab (propane )318 and presently my wifes get around vehicle is an 84 B250 ram conversion van 318 4bbl.. Great for camping too!!

My name is Hank. Me and my mopars we got a real good thing...Just in case the birrage of mopar banners and logo hadn't given it away ...I'm a huge fan of Mopars in general..I live breath and think the stuff.Not to be mislead I like any old car done well but the only one you'll see me driving is a Mopar unless of course I'm on a test drive at work.I'm a licensed mechanic in Hamilrock Ontario,Canada.As you can see from the pics below it runs in the family..Thats my dad on the left and his buddy he worked with.The next pic is of me and my buddy Albert that I worked with.Grease and sweat seem to be in the blood.He'd never admit to it when he was alive but as this (very deeply hidden at my moms house) photo shows we're cut from the same rag.Thanks dad!!

............Over the years I've had several different cars in the Mopar lines and a few other manufacturers.I feel like I've driven and or fixed everything under the sun since the late seventies but I'm sure there's something I haven't.A breif summary of each below will give you my personal opinion of the plethera of cars I've owned and my opinion of them.. I figure these opinions are valid as I actually owned and drove this stuff for along enough period of time to form some sort of opinion on them

73 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE SEBRING PLUS 318 2bbl very stock ...awesome car...really reliable,put some 300,000 miles on it and it rarely let me down.My mom bought it new and when the ashtray was full I bought it and had it forever after it seemed.

72 GREMLIN what a p.o.s.only redeeming quality was the backseat flipped down into a bed...mmmm that had advantages at 16 years of age.

65 VALIANT TWO DR HT 225-6CYL 4SPD CAR.Fun car had a lot of good times in that one ... believe it or not it blew a lot of V8 gm cars.Had character too!!

65 VALIANT TWO DOOR HT 225-6cyl automatic.Replacement for the first one I sold back to my buddy Martin.This one was kind of a passion purchase I knew it was a rust bucket, but having been recently divorced at the time it was kinda like a statement of "I'm gonna buy what I want when I want" Kinda says somethin about my ex eh!!

84 DODGE RAMPAGE 2.2L automatic..coolest little truck I ever owned or drove!! It had the funkiest feel to it when ya loaded the shit outta it and then drove it with the front wheels barely touchin the ground and also them being the drive wheels..

83 K Wagon 2.2 automatic...not a bad little car but my wife wanted a mini van cause they looked real good to her at the time!!

75 Monte Carlo...What a boat... thats all I have to say!My opinion on GMs follows later

73 Toyota Celica..times two... both fun to drive .. not bad for reliability..but too damn expensive for parts.

68 Toyota Corolla...Could piss in the tank and it'd run on it

69 Toyota Sprint..DITTO

70 Toyota Corolla ..DITTO

72 Toyota Corroda Wagon..The name says it all.It was the demise of all of the toy cars every one of them rusted so bad I couldn't drive em.. I was so desperate to hang on to my investment in one of them I full framed the p.o.s.The rest of it completely desintigrated.

77 Volkswagon Rabbit....Biggest p.o.s. I ever owned ... made my Gremlin appear as good as a Mopar

78 Honda ....what a waste of time .. too small, too junky,parts were dear at the time it ate lots of em!!

81 Nissan Maxima...The only redeeming quality this thing had was the drivetrain I substituted.See the latter pages for more on this.

64 PLYMOUTH FURY 6cyl push button automatic...This car i dinna own long cause a freind of mine wanted it more than i did and bought it off me before i had a chance to experience much of it but it was big and heavy!!

72 SATELLITE 2 DR HT 318 4BBL CAR .....The Satellite I always wanted but I had bigger and better plans at the time with my Valiants,Darts and Cudas.Sold it to my buddy Brian with the promise that it stays in the Mopar family of friends we have.

74 PLYMOUTH FURY 225-6 cyl 3spd "on the column" car. I swear I bought this car cause it was so different!!It was a huge slug of a car to be pulled around with a slant six but I gotta admit it wasn't too too bad really.The three on the tree was what hooked me .I almost drove this thing into the wall the first time I drove it cause i wasn't expecting a three on the tree.It was a customer car at the time and I jumped in and went to put it in gear not expecting it to be a standard.I'd driven bazillions of them at the time and this one was the first and last I had ever seen as a standard.. let alone a slant six.

85 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 2.5 L 5 spd..not a bad little van but had a real problem with having enough balls to pull myself,my wife,my three kids,two dogs and camping gear..Then I wanted to buy a trailer.Well guess what had to go!!

84 DODGE B250 3184BBL AND HEADERS conversion van......I love this thing..and so does my wife..Lots of room ...Lots of balls ...Lots of fuel...and looks good too!!Kinda like takin your living room out for a tour of the countryside.Camping, skiing,travelling.and drag race event trips made easy..

65 Barracuda Carolina car...see the other pages to tell ya about this

65 Dart 2dr ht Carolina car... see the other pages for more

65 Valiant convertible 225-6 car automatic......my beater,daily driver,now parts car.Summer just isn't summer without a convertible .The kids love it ... top down most of the summer rain or shine .. the paint's trashed ..we pretend it's the dukes car and my kids love to jump in without opening the doors... just like in the movies...We're enjoying this one not saving it for posterity.I've done tons to this one ..I adjusted the points once and replaced the forever fouling spark plug twice whoopdie doo!!

85 dodge600 convertible... not too bad to drive ,it was tired when i bought it(250k) and sucked fuel aver 120 km per hour.so i opted to park it once the head gasket popped for the second time at some 320somethin K instead of blowin the wad fixin it and al the other accesories that fell off while beating it to death as my daily 120km a day beater

74 Satellite 318 2bbl..This one was a beater just bought it for a winter car and trashed it for parts the next summer.

70 Plymouth Fury III... Daily driver now that the vans parked for service..cause i can!!! and nobody hassles me for havin parked cars.. Nice car to drive runs excellent at 100mph it particularily likes 90 mph it just hums..I didn't really think it was a car for me when i got a phone call about rescuing it from the hands of a wrecking yard.A buddy that i know , knows i am a mopar freak calls me and says i"I know your gonna wanna buy this car" and I am saying na its a boat,na I don't really have a use for anything that big ,na i don't need another car.....Say what????? Its a two door!!!!!!!!!!! ......SO WHERE IS IT...My wife sees it and says yer kidding right!!like we need another car...Well after a couple of years driving it and everyone in small town where we live knowing who she is just cause of the car and its inexplicable ability to never or rarely let ya down ...She's in love again too!

92 Dynasty... Well I wanted the slime green Neon but that dinna happen! and the Dynasty was a good deal with low clicks and a V6 that wouldn't suck fuel at the speeds I travel daily ,(the K convertible dinna like it).So i use it daily for my 120 k commute and it loves to pass!! Well at least it does it well anyway and its me that loves to pass .. Hee hee

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None of the logo of any of the car manufacturers that appears in any or all of my pages are in any way a suggestion or otherwise that I am affiliated to these companies in any way shape or form.All of these names and logos are strictly used for the purposes of expressing my own personal feelings and and opinions on these manufacturers.Nothing else is intended or implied .... thanks ....H.K. <

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